Why You Should Switch to LED Lights

If you haven’t yet switched to LED lights, you could be missing out on a wide range of benefits. Unlike incandescent and halogen bulbs, LEDs are extremely energy-efficient, safe and long-lasting, and they also come in a huge variety of colours. Keep on reading to find out more about why you should definitely switch to LED lights.

LED light bulb


Firstly, LED lights can be much brighter than older types of light bulbs. For example, LEDs have an output of 80-100 lm/W, whereas halogen bulbs only have an output of 16-24 lm/W. This means that LEDs can emit much more light from the energy they receive, which is because older bulbs create a lot of wasted heat energy while LEDs are more efficient.

In addition, it’s easy to find cool white LEDs rather than just warm white, and these bulbs create a much brighter light. Bright and cool white lighting is also particularly suitable for large commercial buildings that need a lot of illumination. If you own a commercial building and want to replace your old light bulbs with brighter ones, then search ‘replace high bay lights LED’ to find the highest-quality LED high bay lights.

More colours

As mentioned above, it’s easier to find cool white LEDs than cool white incandescent or halogen bulbs. In fact, with older bulbs, you’re often just limited to warm white, but LEDs come in a wide range of colours. There are also colour-changing LED lights that can be controlled remotely, making these lights incredibly fun and versatile.


 Since LEDs don’t convert as much energy into heat, they’re far more efficient than other light bulbs. In particular, both halogen and incandescent bulbs convert almost 90% of the energy they receive into heat, whereas LEDs only convert 10% of their energy into heat. As a result, LEDs are much more eco-friendly and cost-effective as they don’t waste a lot of electricity.


 In addition to being incredibly efficient, LEDs are extremely long-lasting compared to incandescent and halogen bulbs. Although halogen bulbs last twice as long as incandescent bulbs, LEDs still last ten times longer than halogen bulbs. This shows how LEDs vastly outperform other types of bulbs.

Overall, your LED lights could last up to 50,000 hours in total. This means you won’t have to replace your bulbs as often – a win for you and for the environment!


Finally, LEDs are an extremely safe form of lighting. Since they don’t convert a lot of energy into heat, they remain cool to the touch and won’t cause accidental burns or fires. Additionally, LEDs are made of safe materials, so if they do break (which is unlikely since they’re encased in strong plastic), they won’t leak any harmful substances. LEDs also don’t emit UV radiation, making them safer and more environmentally friendly.

By switching to LED lights, you could save money, help the planet, be safer and have so many more options in terms of colours and styles. With all of these benefits, it’s easy to see why LEDs are always the best lighting choice.

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