Why use robot covers in food industry?

Industrial robots are more and more often used in food-related production. This type of industry poses unique challenges. In this article we will explore what these challenges are and how they can be solved with the use of robotic covers.

Cleaning and sanitizing

In food production, strict hygiene standards are a must. For this reason, all equipment is cleaned frequently with water, detergents and chemical sanitizers. However, these substances can cause significant damage to the robots, e.g. by washing out lubricants from the gears, causing mechanical damage due to increased friction, as well as corrosion. A robot subject to chemicals will soon require extensive repairs and part replacement. Robot covers made of waterproof, chemical-resistant fabric effectively shield the robots from direct exposure to chemicals, helping prevent the damage.

Oil leak contamination

Nobody wants industrial lubricants in their food. However, the increasing use of robots in food production does pose the risk of oil leaks from robot gears contaminating the food – as a result, the product needs to be disposed of, often in large batches. This results in a massive waste and loss of profit for the company. Fortunately, such contamination can easily be prevented – it’s enough to use a robot cover, which contains the initial leak, granting production line operators precious time to react and save the food product from contamination.

Easy cleaning

Industrial robots are machines with various moving parts, crevices and hard-to-reach areas. If the food production process involves a lot of splashing that could reach the robotic arm, the resulting contamination may not only be difficult and time-consuming to remove, but also pose a serious health risk – meat or dairy splashes can quickly rot and harbour dangerous bacteria. In contrast, the surface of a robot protective cover is much easier to wash down. Covers can also be made from fabrics with anti-microbial properties, which further helps maintain a clean and hygienic food production environment.

Is your robot salty?

Last but not least – many mass-produced food items, such as processed meats or dairy, contain salt, which can come into contact with the robotic arm during the production process. Combined with moisture usually present in such production areas, the salt accelerates corrosion and degradation of the surface of the robot, as well as its moving parts. A layer of fabric in the form of a robotic cover is enough to prevent salt from coming into direct contact with the robot, which solves the issue in a simple and easy way.

To conclude: if you are using, or plan to use industrial robots in your food production plant, it would be a good idea to invest in a robot cover. This simple solution could save you quite a lot of trouble and many expenses!

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