WFH: 5 Easy Tips for Successful Remote Working

Working from home is the new normal, especially for techies. It’s great – no more commuting, flexible hours, and you can even wear your most comfortable clothes. However, it can also be challenging to create boundaries between work and personal life, stay connected with colleagues, and avoid burnout.

Modern flat with minimalistic desk and chair

We’ve been there, and we’re here to help. This guide is full of simple, practical tips to make remote work a breeze. We’ll show you how to set up a productive workspace, rock those virtual meetings, and find that perfect work-life balance.

Are you ready to create a productive and enjoyable remote work experience? Let’s explore how to optimize your success.

Tip 1: Craft Your Dedicated Workspace

Your workspace sets the stage for your workday. A dedicated work area signals your brain, “It’s time to focus!” This helps you separate work from the rest of your life.

Start with the basics: a comfortable chair and a desk at the right height for your elbows and wrists. Good lighting is key, whether it’s natural light from a window or a well-placed desk lamp. If you can, claim a separate room for your office, but even a quiet corner can do the trick. If your house is a bit noisy, noise-canceling headphones can be a lifesaver. Finally, personalize it. Add some plants, photos, or whatever inspires you. Make it a space where you actually enjoy working.

Tip 2: Optimize Your Mac’s Performance

For tech professionals, your Mac is your virtual office. It’s where you code, design, collaborate, and create.  A slow, unresponsive machine can seriously hamper your workflow and creativity, especially when you rely on smooth connectivity for remote tasks like video calls and file sharing. That’s why it’s crucial to keep your Mac running at peak performance.

Here are some easy ways to optimize your Mac. First, close any apps you’re not actively using. This frees up valuable memory (RAM) that your active apps need to perform well. If an app isn’t responding or hindering your connection, you can force quit it or kill process on mac to regain control. This can immediately speed up your machine and prevent further slowdowns. To troubleshoot and fix any persistent performance issues, refer to trusted resources.
In addition, don’t forget to restart your Mac regularly. It’s like a quick refresh for your computer’s brain.

Tip 3: Master Communication Tools

Working remotely doesn’t mean working in isolation. Clear, consistent communication is your lifeline to your team and projects. It’s about staying in sync, sharing updates, and building those all-important relationships, even through a screen.

Luckily, there’s a wide range of apps designed to make your tasks easier. Slack and Microsoft Teams are perfect for quick chats and team-wide announcements. Zoom and Google Meet are your go-to for face-to-face virtual meetings. And for project management, Trello, Asana, or can help you stay organized and keep everyone on the same page.

But tools are just tools. The real magic comes from how you use them. Set clear expectations with your team about your availability and response times. Don’t be afraid to over-communicate – proactive updates are always appreciated. And remember, nothing beats seeing a friendly face, so use video calls to stay connected and build rapport.

Tip 4: Level Up Your Time Management

Working from home can blur the lines between your professional and personal life, making it easy to lose track of time. One moment, you’re tackling a project; the next, you’re distracted by household chores or endless online content. Time management becomes essential when your home and office are one and the same.

But don’t worry, you can tame the clock. Start by creating a daily schedule with dedicated blocks for work. This helps you mentally shift into “work mode” and avoid distractions. Break down tasks into smaller chunks using the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of focused work followed by a short break).

Time tracking apps can reveal where your time actually goes, so you can make adjustments as needed. And minimize those distractions – silence your phone notifications, close those tempting browser tabs, and set specific times to check emails. With a little discipline, you’ll be a time management pro in no time.

Tip 5: Foster Collaboration and Networking

Remote work doesn’t have to mean feeling isolated. It can open doors to even more collaboration and networking opportunities. Actively participate in those virtual meetings – share your ideas, ask questions, and engage with your teammates. If your company hosts online social events, don’t be a wallflower. Join in and get to know your colleagues on a personal level.

Beyond your company, a whole world of connection is waiting for you. Schedule virtual coffee chats with colleagues or industry peers. Attend online industry events, webinars, or workshops to learn new skills and make valuable connections. Join online communities related to your field, where you can share insights, ask for advice, and build your professional network. Remember, building relationships is just as meaningful in the virtual world as in the office.


Working from home offers flexibility and freedom, but success requires the right approach. Following these tips can create a productive and enjoyable remote work experience. Keep in mind that it’s all about finding what works for you and embracing the possibilities of working from home.


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