MPDA Baby Yoga Class

BABY YOGA: 4 months – 1 year

Baby Tots Yoga is an interactive routine performed with you and baby. The movements will include gentle stretching of limbs (fear not, no crazy positions as our little ones need gentle encouragement and only moving at their capabilities). The wonderful Jo who hosts the classes will provide calm music or fun memorable rhymes during the session to help soothe and engage your baby.

Baby Yoga has been proved to be a safe and beneficial class to introduce at this young age. The classes are baby led, meaning if you have to feed, change or just have a jig around to settle them, then that is absolutely fine! Jo is passionate about creating a gathering where you can meet new mums (carers) so that the group together can support, share tips and chat about the highs and lows of the early days of parenthood.


Business Name: Mini Professionals Dance Academy

Address: MPDA Studios, 12 Banbury Rd, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2BT

Opening Times:

Fridays 11am-11.45am


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